01Bank granted banking license

01Bank granted banking license

Osaka-based Senshu Ikeda Holdings, a financial services group that offers banking, securities, leasing, and other services, has been granted a banking license for its digital "01Bank".

Senshu Ikeda disclosed its intention to launch a digital bank business in September 2023, and established a preparatory entity in February 2024.

The target customer base for the new digital bank will initially be small and medium-sized businesses that are actively using cloud services provided by platformers for the purpose of improving business operations. In cooperation with companies that provide cloud services that businesses regularly use, 01Bank will support the growth of users by evaluating business viability in a multifaceted and appropriate manner by leveraging alternative data, which utilizes not only customers' bank account transaction data and accounting and financial data, but also the data held by such third-party applications. For this purpose, 01Bank has already established partnerships with the companies listed above.

On the infrastructure side, 01Bank has decided to introduce "BaaS byGMO Aozora" for its services. 01Bank believes it represents a new and cost-effective option for building banking systems. When announcing the preparatory company, 01Bank indicated they were expecting system investment up to the time of opening to be around 2 billion yen, and total investment up to the time of opening to be around 5 billion yen.

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